Thursday, December 21, 2017

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

I don't know about other photographers but, for me the winter months are my slow time. I use this downtime to work on my marketing projects for my freelance business until I either get called out for a photo session or hired for a graphic design project such as a logo or brochure for some random company. I try not to take on too much during the winter now that I'm not using my house as a studio.  I'm not a fan of cold weather by any means! I love watching snow fall but, I despise it afterwards when it becomes a slushy mess that leaves the roads slippery from ice...especially black ice! If you do choose to schedule a photo session in the cold months, dress appropriately and always check to see what the weather conditions are.

I have had so many people throughout the years ask me why I don't shoot many sessions during the winter and if I am not worried about losing clients. Let me address these two issues! 1. I choose not to shoot much during the winter months because it's cold. I don't like cold weather. I don't seek out extra work since I am now a full time outdoors photographer. If you want to hire me to take photographs of your family, including your young child, so be it! Personally, I'm cautious about letting my child go outside in the cold since she is the type of child that gets sick if you breathe on her. Two years in public school beat her immune system to pieces, resulting from pneumonia in kindergarten and first grade...and I am a very over protective mother. 2. I'm not worried about losing clients. My clients have been with me for a long time. I can honestly say that they love me, they love my personality, and they love the work I provide for them. However, I do encourage my clients to try out different photographers. Yes, I just said that! :) I am confident in my own work that I am not worried about another photographer swooping in and stealing my clients. (Not trying to sound arrogant. I believe in personal connections.) Each photographer has their own distinct style. I can take a shot and edit it of Susie Homemaker down the street but, my cousin Amanda who is also a photographer (and a pretty good one!) can take a photo of the same subject and it look completely different. Each photographer has their own distinct style! Until next time! ~Cheri

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