Wednesday, January 3, 2018

An Evening on the Parkway

Last Friday, my little girl and I grabbed our cameras, jumped in the car, and took off for an adventure.  We do that sometimes. We don't tell anyone where we are going, other than we are going to take some photos and we just go! That's our way of spending much needed quality time with each other. During the week, life is so hectic with me homeschooling her, babysitting my grandson for my oldest daughter while she works, laundry, taking care of the house, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, and trying to get everyone in bed by 9 or 10 so we can do it all again the next day. I feel that I am spreading myself so thin Monday through Thursday that I feel guilty if I don't devote some extra time just to spend with Ticia to take photos and talk about anything and everything that crosses her mind. (Which is mainly anime and music!)

Ticia is nine years old. She's a tall, lanky, little thing with a huge personality! Her hair is dark like mine but, she has huge, bright, blue eyes. To be nine years old, she's very artistic. She loves to draw, paint, and do photography. The more photos she takes the better she gets. Her art is still very raw and she rarely listens to me when I tell her in areas she can approve but, as long as it is something she loves doing, how can I argue too much? Tim, my mom, her sisters, and her brother would say she gets her attitude from me. Maybe to some degree but, I think she has a personality of her own. I just influenced her gracefully! :) This sunset shot with the strong gold over tones is her photo. I kept gloating about it, telling her that I still can't get a shot with that much color naturally. She would giggle and ask if she was doing good. "Yes, my baby, you are!," I would reply.

I posted my favorite shot below that I had taken. I'm hoping this weekend to head out if it isn't too cold and take some more photos. The last several times I have shot, I have gone to Asheville. I absolutely love that city! In my opinion, it's very artsy. It's very easy for me to navigate through compared to Charlotte or Raleigh. Don't get me wrong; if I sink into my driving zone and not pay attention to where I'm going, I will get lost driving through Asheville. Thank goodness for my iPhone and Siri! Normally, if I'm not driving in Catawba, Burke, or Caldwell counties, I do always use navigation. Another artsy town I love shooting in is Morganton. I am Burke County born and bred...well, I was born there but, moved to Catawba County when I was ten years old. I love history and incase you were not aware, Burke County is loaded with history! Over the years though, Morganton has developed into an artsy town, kinda like a mini Asheville, without the cool murals and amazing factory outlet shops. (haha!) If you haven't been to Morganton lately, I urge you to visit. Try to go during the week and visit the museum or the old Burke County Courthouse. Those are two of my favorite places!

Until next time! ~Cheri

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