My dog, Riley. He's supposed to be a German Shepherd. I call him my mutt. When he's bad, I call him asshole. Ha! He's bad a lot.
Normally, Riley is scared of EVERYTHING! Cars, rain, loud noises, thunder, the air that comes out of his butt when he tootie-hoots. However, he loves snow! He's actually whining now wanting to go back out and play in it and I won't let him. I love this photo of him. He's got a face that only a mother can love! LOL
I should have had my cell phone out instead. He went running down the driveway and got into the road. When he got in the road, he started sliding...which scared him and he came running back up to his mommy.
It was fun watching him run and play in the snow. At the time of taking these photos, my daughter was in the hallway in shorts and a tank top roller skating.
The snow on the azaleas in front of my house. The aperture makes this a pretty photo.
My patio is covered in snow. My fire pit that we have only used like twice. I get lots of use out of my grill. I hate cooking indoors but, I love to grill. The house behind our storage building is the house that I grew up in. The new owners have been working on it little by little for the past year. It's coming along nicely!
The snow beaten trees and our ghost town of chicken coups. The faint pink sky in the background is pretty though.
The Hickory tower. This is like a street or two over from my house.
Poor Sassy wasn't having it! She's my ten year old German Purebred Rottweiler. She stands like this every time we are outside, watching everything around us. Not sure if she's supposed to be my protector or if I'm supposed to be hers...maybe a little bit of both. :)
I hope you liked my photos. Until next time! ~Cheri
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